Saturday, March 08, 2003

Making Movies

Made a four minute movie in 90 minutes yesterday. No, I didn't do it alone. But I participated in a David Pogue's I-Movie workshop at UCET using the audience as the cast of a short that ends up plugging Apple's I-Pod. It's actually the second shoot I've seen in recent months. The other one resulted in Life's Little Questions, a new public service announcement for Pioneer, Utah's Online Library.

Pogue's I-Movie session underscored the basics of video production: adequate lighting, attention to audio (including voices "on mike" and appropriate use of natural sound and music), camera stability, no or very mimimal use of panning and zooming, and of course digital editing.

"In feature films the director is God; in documentary films God is the director." -- Alfred Hitchcock

Found while looking for something else: The Cartoon Factory


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