Sunday, March 09, 2003

Roots and Wings

Stupid networks beat more intelligent systems? Hint: Would you ever call your health insurance provider just because you're curious about something and you know they'd have fast and accurate information even though you're not exactly sure what your looking for? More on the concept from Pete Kruckenberg and in this great little gem, World of Ends -- What the Internet Is and How to Spot Mistaking It for Something Else.

Once again we're in the realm of paradox. We encounter concepts like roots and wings and learn anew that while we are neither redwoods nor hawks, our ability to soar is essential to our being well grounded.

"In every seed is the promise of thousands of forests." --Deepak Chopra

Found while looking for something else: Freedom: A History of US, Paper Sky Animation and The 50 Most Significant SF & Fantasy Books of the Last 50 Years, 1953-2002


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